[推薦] Parse Don't Validate
取得正確值的過程都會做驗證,parser 是解析成指定類型的過程報錯(做一次),validation 是檢查是否符合特定類型報錯(做 n 次),so parse, don’t validate
- the difference between validation and parsing lies almost entirely in how information is preserved
- a parser is just a function that consumes less-structured input and produces more-structured output. By its very nature, a parser is a partial function—some values in the domain do not correspond to any value in the range—so all parsers must have some notion of failure.
- type-hinting is the key
- Let your datatypes inform your code, don’t let your code control your datatypes
使用 type-hinting as much as you can
- Treat functions that return
with deep suspicion
任何回傳 function 的 function 都要特別謹慎看待,有可能m()
的主要目的是 raise exception
- Don’t be afraid to parse data in multiple passes
input 的解析可以依賴於其他 input 的值
- Avoid denormalized representations of data, especially if it’s mutable
不要亂修改 input 的值,keep single source of truth
- Keep denormalized representations of data behind abstraction boundaries
如果必須要修改 input,就封裝一層 DTO 去負責處理
- Use abstract datatypes to make validators “look like” parsers
如果原生的 type 無法有效驗證非法狀態時,另外定義一個 type 處理,不要硬用