[推薦] Monolith vs Microservices vs Serverless


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1A9tPOfp6NA 23:04



dimension Monolith Microservices Serverless
Development experience ✅good, easy to develop, deploy, and test 🫠not easy, needs some experience 🫠runtime limitations(file parsing, websockets, SSE) and security issue
Scalability ✅good on vertical, bad on horizontally ✅very good ✅very good
Response time ✅quick 🫠normal, many service networking call ❌very bad, cold start + network connection + function execution
Reliability ❌bad, one process down, whole app crush ✅good, isolation per service ✅good
Cost 🫠depends on how you scale ❌expensive, bin packing problem exists(cannot fully use all resources) ✅good
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