Opensource License

License Description Copyleft Commercial Use Modification Distribution Compatibility
GPL (GNU General Public License) Strong copyleft; Requires derivative works to be released under the same license; Promotes open source and sharing Yes Yes Yes Yes Compatible with other GPL licenses; Incompatible with many permissive licenses
LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License) Weak copyleft; Allows linking with proprietary software; Only requires modifications to the library itself to be released under the same license No Yes Yes Yes Compatible with LGPL and some permissive licenses
MIT License Permissive license; Allows almost unrestricted use, modification, and distribution; Only requires attribution and copyright notice No Yes Yes Yes Compatible with most licenses
Apache License 2.0 Permissive license; Similar to MIT but includes more detailed patent and liability provisions No Yes Yes Yes Compatible with most licenses
BSD License Permissive license; Similar to MIT but often with a clause prohibiting use of contributors’ names for endorsement No Yes Yes Yes Compatible with most licenses
Mozilla Public License 2.0 Weak copyleft; Requires modifications to the licensed code to be released under the MPL, but not necessarily other code No Yes Yes Yes Compatible with some licenses; Incompatible with strong copyleft licenses
Eclipse Public License Weak copyleft; Similar to MPL but with more compatibility with other licenses used in the Eclipse ecosystem No Yes Yes Yes Compatible with some licenses; Incompatible with strong copyleft licenses
GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) Strong copyleft like GPL, but covers network use; Requires modified versions to provide access to source code when used over a network Yes Yes Yes Yes Compatible with other AGPL and GPL licenses; Incompatible with many permissive licenses
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