[推薦] Intro to Aws-The Most Important Services To Learn
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDEpdNdFglI 50:06
- route53
- IAM: 管理整個 AWS 服務的資源與權限的服務
- CloudFront
- web/application service
- EC2
- lambda(serverless)
- ECS(docker container manager)
- database
- Elasti Cache(redis or memcache)
- aurora: MySQL or PostgreSQL 處理好 scaling, 不支援 serverless
- RDS: 可以選擇不同的 RDBMS
- DynamoDB: support autoscaling
- DocumentDB: MongoDB
- OpenSearch: ElasticSearch like service, query 彈性高
- Packaged infrastructure
- Elastic Beanstalk: 包含 backend, lbs, db, monitoring, autoscalingApp
- App runner: use ECS behind the scene
- Light Sail: 類似 Digital Ocean 的服務,提供可選擇的 tech stack 直接建立
- App Sync: GraphQL service
- Deployment orchestration
- Code Commit: git
- Code build: build code from code commit or other 3rd party git-like service
- Code Deploy: deploy code to other services
- Code Pipeline: CI/CD workflow service
- Monitoring
- CloudWatch: 監控 AWS 上的服務,可自訂 metric log & dashboard
- CloudTrail: audit log of AWS accounts
- Rapid deployment
- Cloud formation: infrastructure as code,can share your template
- CDK(Cloud Development Kit): infrastructure as code, cannot share template
- Amplify: 快速 build mobile/web app
- SAM(Serverless Application Model): a serverless framework with cli
- Event coordination
- SNS: push-based notification
- SQS: pull-based message queue
- Event Bridge: 與 SNS 類似,主要差異有
- schema registration: service 可以註冊自己的 schema,確保 event 的格式正確
- 3rd party integration: 可以使用第三方註冊的 schema 例如 shopify,可以直接使用 shopify 的 event
- step function: visual workflow service,可以用簡單的 UI 來串接不同的 event notification,與 n8n, IFTTT, Zapier 類似
- Object storage
- S3
- Analytical processing
- EMR: Hadoop, Spark, Presto, Hive, HBase alternative
- Athena: integrated S3, no need to setup EMR
- Data warehouse
- Redshift
- Dashboard
- Quick sight