如何限制 python json api 格式
Always use pydantic module
API design can be a challenging task, particularly when it comes to deciding on the appropriate output format. One common guide for designing JSON APIs is the simple specification provided by the following resource: https://github.com/omniti-labs/jsend.
However, it can be difficult to ensure that team members consistently adhere to these rules, which can require substantial time investment for reviewing pull requests.
To promote uniformity in API formatting, the most effective strategy may be to incorporate the formatting rules directly into your code. In the following example, I will illustrate how this can be accomplished using Python.
There’s a static type checking module called pydantic
which enforces type hints at runtime, and provides user friendly errors when data is invalid.
Below are examples of how this can be done using Python in jsend.
- response example
from enum import Enum
from typing import Generic, List, TypeVar
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, validator
from pydantic.generics import GenericModel
T = TypeVar('T')
class ResponseStatusEnum(str, Enum):
SUCCESS = 'success'
FAIL = 'fail'
ERROR = 'error'
class ResponseBaseModel(GenericModel, Generic[T]):
data: T | None = None
message: str | None = ''
status: str = ResponseStatusEnum.success
class Config:
use_enum_values = True
sometimes you will need to return data with pagination, here’s the example
- paginate response example
class PageModel(GenericModel, Generic[T]):
items: List[T] = []
total: int
current_page: int
last_page: int | None
prev_page: int | None
next_page: int | None
per_page: int
class PaginateResponseBaseModel(GenericModel, Generic[T]):
data: PageModel[T]
message: str | None = ''
status: ResponseStatusEnum = ResponseStatusEnum.SUCCESS
class Config:
use_enum_values = True
- to use it(FastAPI)
from datetime import datetime
class ExampleEntity(BaseModel):
id: int
name: str
age: int
nick_name: str | None
created_at: datetime | None = None
updated_at: datetime | None = None
class GetExampleResponse(ResponseBaseModel[ExampleEntity]):
data: ExampleEntity
class GetPaginateExamplesResponse(PaginateResponseBaseModel[ExampleEntity]):
data: PageModel[ExampleEntity]
router = APIRouter()
# {data: {id, name, age, created_at, updated_at}, message, status}
def get_example(id) -> GetExampleResponse:
json: {
data: { id, name, age, created_at, updated_at },
data = repo.get_examples(id)
return GetExampleResponse(data=data)
def get_examples(id, page:int = 1, per_page: int = 1) -> GetPaginateExamplesResponse:
json: {
data: {
items: [{id, name, age, created_at, updated_at}],
data = repo.get_examples_with_paginate(id, page, per_page)
return GetPaginateExamplesResponse(data=data)
Then, all response will be restricted to the formats